Even The Local Branches Are Not To Be Trusted
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Re: Even The Local Branches Are Not To Be Trusted
At how many branches are the same things happening? Too many animal 'rescues' see the donations as an extra to their salary
misty02- Posts : 121
Join date : 2013-06-16
Even The Local Branches Are Not To Be Trusted
They obviously think charity begins at home. The charity shop I was in, just the same: I remember one day someone brought in two beautiful dresses still with tags on, brand new from a very expensive local shop (they were over £200 each). Those two dresses NEVER went on sale, sure the bitch manageress put them on eBay. I asked about them and got a very evasive answer. A friend of mine volunteered in a local shop and left as she said the amount of pilfering was shocking. People hand these things over hoping they go to a good cause but it supplements the salaries of the staff who are poorly paid. When my son moved out, he left a load of CD's and DVD's saying, ''Take what you want and donate the rest'', which I did. There were two bags full of stuff. It was Sunday and there was just one young guy in the shop. When I went in there some days later, not one of those DVD's or CD's was on the shelves; no doubt flogged on eBay as a ''job lot'' or maybe just kept them all. Makes me want to puke.
Trilby Bee- Posts : 428
Join date : 2012-10-27
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