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Post  Trilby Bee Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:54 am

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You have probably seen this as a ''sticky'' but in case you missed it . . . take a look. I will pm you again very shortly! We have seen them in action and know full well how they make things up to back up their 'case'.
Trilby Bee
Trilby Bee

Posts : 428
Join date : 2012-10-27

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Post  Trilby Bee Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:37 am

Also meant to say in the PM: if ever you speak to any of them, you should record what they say and reply carefully. And you must keep a log of everything they do, dates, times etc. Do you have a vet who will back you up? That is always a big help . . . I'd say it was crucial.
Trilby Bee
Trilby Bee

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Post  Trilby Bee Mon Aug 21, 2017 11:15 am

I also meant to say: make sure (in case the worst happens) that you have nothing. If you own a house and you lose in court and are billed with thousands, they will take a lien on your property. So make sure any property is in the name of someone you trust, make sure too that your bank accounts are empty. They made me put over £4k on an empty credit card, so if you have credit cards, be sure they are maxed out or close them. You have to be as sharp and cunning as the Animal Mafia. Evil or Very Mad
Trilby Bee
Trilby Bee

Posts : 428
Join date : 2012-10-27

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