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Up To Their Old Tricks

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Up To Their Old Tricks Empty Up To Their Old Tricks

Post  misty02 Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:44 pm

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Up To Their Old Tricks Empty Re: Up To Their Old Tricks

Post  misty02 Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:45 pm

The RSPCA in an attempt to cover their own backs, in an earlier statement on their North England FB page, claimed that German Shepherd Dog Rescue attended yesterday and deemed this dog which was not a GSD but a Caucasian Shepherd, too aggressive to rehome. That statement has since been changed to a 'rehoming charity'
Rest assured that if my NE team or anyone else from GSDR had attended, that dog would have been untied and walked to safety away from all those uniformed idiots.
As we all know, once the RSPCA got involved this poor dogs fate was sealed and she didn't stand a chance.
She had been abandoned, tied up on a short leash, it was cold, wet and she was scared.
People in the area stated that she was not aggressive just scared and pleaded with the police not to kill her. A rescue had the equipment to dart her but police refused.
What did they do - they shot her not once but twice because the first shot didn't kill her.
As the owner of 4 of these beautiful dogs, I cannot begin to express just how sickened and outraged I am at what happened to this poor dog.


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Up To Their Old Tricks Empty Up To Their Old Tricks

Post  Trilby Bee Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:13 am

It's so sad; and so many different stories about this poor dog. The first story I read was that 'a couple found her wandering' 'that she belonged to an elderly couple but got lost and someone found her and tied her to the post while they went to try and find the owners'. Also conflicting reports, one that a vet was in attendance, that she was too aggressive to scan - another that she had no microchip and that as it was a weekend the vet was only consulted over the phone. She must have been scared stiff, confused and hungry surrounded by RSPCA (who wouldn't be Evil or Very Mad ) and police and all the rubber-neckers gaping at her. Poor girl. Still no sign of the owners.
Trilby Bee
Trilby Bee

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Up To Their Old Tricks Empty Re: Up To Their Old Tricks

Post  misty02 Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:46 pm

There are so many stories going about, latest I've read is from someone who said they were there & that they saw people hand feeding the dog & she was calming down once being fed. Also said the police were there for hours but not long after the scum inspector arrived the decision was made to shoot.

They report the dog was chipped but not registered & owners can't be traced. This is a rare breed so can't be many breeders in this country, surely it can't be that difficult to trace something.

We can only take their word that no owner has been found. Knowing how they lie could it possibly be that they do know the owners & have threatened them with prosecution/persecution if they kick up about their poor dog being murdered?


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Join date : 2013-06-16

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