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New CEO for the Gestapo

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New CEO for the Gestapo Empty New CEO for the Gestapo

Post  Trilby Bee Sat May 14, 2016 4:52 am

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We all knew that G Grant did not retire thro' ill health...he had to go because he did such a rotten job. Wonder how much this one is getting? Evil or Very Mad
Trilby Bee
Trilby Bee

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New CEO for the Gestapo Empty New CEO for the Gestapo

Post  Trilby Bee Sat May 14, 2016 5:01 am

Julie Anderson
25 Mar 2016

Let's hope the new CEO can give the RSPCA and its inspectors, the massive shake up that it so desperately needs, and rein it back in to what it was originally set up to do.

Far too many calls go unanswered to animals in desperate need of rescuing from horrific cruelty and neglect, because many inspectors choose to spend their time hounding and persecuting 'innocent' people, for the most ridiculous of 'supposed' crimes, i.e. a dog having an allergic reaction to flea shampoo, and the owner being prosecuted, a number of dogs being removed because of an untidy house, because of the owners being in the middle of decorating, but no cruelty or neglect charges were bought, a much loved family cat being destroyed because of it having some mats in its coat, because the cat was very difficult to groom, and the owners could only do very small amounts of grooming daily.

There have also been the most shocking lies and fabrications invented to secure prosecutions, that will be exposed before the end of the year, and I can't help but think this is because public support for the charity is falling dramatically, and so they will literally invent cases of cruelty, even though it involves destroying the lives of the animals and their owners in the process, so as to appear to be helping animals, when in reality they are doing anything but.

There are many, many questions that need to be answered and areas that need to be improved on. Why do inspectors so regularly flout the law, seizing animals 'illegally' and then keeping them from their owners, and living the happy carefree lives they once had, to be confined in kennels with only cold concrete to lie on, causing especially older animals especially, horrific suffering and misery, and why in general animals in the 'supposed' care of the RSPCA, are looked after so badly, and often sustain injuries that animals in other rescues do not receive. Why is the RSPCA allowed to commit the same crimes of neglect and cruelty for which they then prosecute members of the public for.

I really hope that one of the first things the new CEO gets rid of, is the awards given to inspectors securing the most convictions, as this in all walks of life will incite fraudulent activity within some employees, so as to appear to be doing a much better job than that of their colleagues, when in reality, that could not be further from the truth, and they are causing misery and suffering, and certainly not preventing it.

This was one person's response to the new appointment. There were quite a few, this was the most eye-opening. Also, no-one seems to know how much this one is getting. I thought a charity had to divulge their finances, tho' of course we know the Gestapo are a law unto themselves. I find interesting the ''awards for the most convictions''.
Trilby Bee
Trilby Bee

Posts : 428
Join date : 2012-10-27

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